Hi there! I'm so so very happy that you discovered my blog in some way. I don't know how but now that you're here I have a few things to share with you all. First of all thank you so much for your support and love, I never thought my blog would actually attract any readers at all, but I was wrong. Second, here's a little something about myself so you know who's blog you're reading.
My name is Lucy, but any suitable nickname will do. I get quite a few from my friends so that's that. I'm 21 years old and my birthday is the 14th of May, so remember it! I currently live in Luxembourg and I'm a student at a med university in France studying dentistry (yes I know I will be hated to guts.) My mum is Scottish and my dad Romanian so that makes me a super duper cool mix! I think I might also have some Bulgarian blood but yeaa, I won't go into any details.
I'm a football (soccer) fanatic, I've been playing football since I was 8 years old and I'm currently still kicking them balls around the field, to me it isn't just a sport but a passion. I also go to the gym regularly to keep my body in shape (even though I'm thin, I do need some toning!)
I adore reading, watching movies, going out from time to time (but not often), photography, art, early nights, gossiping, shopping (i'm a shopaholic which is very worrying - i'm trying to cut down), eating, going on long walks, hot/sunny destinations so travelling, my boyfriend (yaay - the best man in the world) fashion - clothes and shoes oh and CHOCOLATE!!
I love being alone and just drift away in my bubble, write reviews about beauty products and I love giving makeup tips and tricks to anyone who wishes to listen out. (ugh so anti social!)
Why did I decide to make a blog on beauty - life - fashion?
Hmm now, what inspired me? To be honest I don't really have a concrete answer to this question but what I can say is this: I've always been obsessed with make up, beauty, hair, nails, skin care and so on. Every time I would go to the shopping center I always loved looking at the makeup products, lipsticks, nail polish, hair curlers or straighteners, body creams, moisturizers... everything would just catch my attention. Then I started to pay so much attention to girls in town, how they applied they're makeup - too much - wrong color - or not applied properly and I just felt this urge to go over and tell them the truth, help them fix they're makeup and advise this product or that one. This wasn't in a mean way or anything, I never meant to hurt anyone or offend them, this is definitely not my intention.. I just wanted to guide them, make them look beautiful and pretty. Every girl deserves to be called "pretty" or "gorgeous" no one deserves to be put aside. To be completely honest in my younger years I was quiet the tomboy and never wore makeup, simply because at the age of 12 to 15 you don't really need much make up - or any at all! (it's ridiculous when I see 11 year old girls wearing make up). Your skin is still young and fresh if anything you're just ageing and damaging your skin.
I also found this incredible new passion to blog about anything and everything... I've actually always wanted a blog.
That's all I have to say really, if you have any questions at all click here and post your question on my FAQ page. I will answer every single one of them as soon as possible! I can't wait to hear from you all. Thank you so much for your attention and remember girls - you're all pretty no matter what!
Kisses -
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