Hello there,
as of 2014 I have created a "must-do" list. I will be starting quite a few new activities and one of them includes YouTube'ing. That's right I will be uploading loads of new videos on beauty, fashion, hairstyles, lifestyle and everything and anything. Hopefully this way I can grow my audience and eventually actually become popular like +Zoella +Imogen Foxy Locks +beautycrush +Lauren Curtis and many more beauty/lifestyle blogger/vlogger gurus. (my list could go on forever)
Now, I know this requires a lot of hard work and commitment, but i'm willing to take the challenge and see what comes out of it. You know what they say: Hard work pays off!
There are many reasons why I didn't try vlogging earlier:
- I hate hearing my own voice on camera
- I don't find myself as "professional" as all the other vloggers
- I'm not so self confident
- I'm scared this will all be a big fail and that I will be dissed
But as we say: you never know till you try. So I am going to give this a shot and see where it leads to. If I realise that I'm not really getting anything out of it I'll probably just stop vlogging and stick to blogging. This doesn't mean I'll stop blogging, on the contrary, I love to write, so I'll definitely be keeping this up.
I hope to get as much support from my current followers and hopefully my new followers. This will mean so much to me and it's a great motivation for my new project. I will also be posting my videos weekly on a specific day so you all know when new videos will be up.
Also on my "must-do" list is to participate to my hometown's "Miss Luxembourg" (modeling) competition and even to give a shot at the "elite model Luxembourg" which happens here too. I know I'm way under the average model height which is 1m76 and I'm like 10 centimeters shorter, but for "Miss Luxembourg" any size and age girl can participate so I have a chance! (max age is 25 or something and min 16 or 18)
For those of you who don't actually know where Luxembourg is, it's a small country situated between France, Germany and Belgium. Population - half of a million, very multi-lingual and you can find nearly every nationality from all over the world: from Chinese to Brazilians to Danes to Greeks. There's probably at least one person from each country worldwide who lives in Luxembourg. Hence me: my dad is from Romania and my mum is from Scotland.
Luxembourg is also known for its large number of banks and also it's richness, yes we're a small little rich country. Last time I checked we were number 1 richest country in Europe. So if you didn't know all of this, that was a quick little history lesson for you on Luxembourg.
Anyway I hope all of you will be supportive and encouraging for my next big project: YouTube. Thank you for your time and patience and hope to hear from you all very soon!
kisses -